Sisters supporting sisters.
Your village is here.
Meet Ashley
I always knew I wanted to be a mom. And not just any mom, but the best mom. A SuperMom. I wanted to “mom” so well that other moms would be like, “Daaang. I want that life.”
See, I grew up as #3 in a family of 5 kids. And my mom is SuperMom. I wanted to be like her.
Now here I am. Flying by the seat of my pants most days. And feeling like I’m rocking it occasionally.
Motherhood is messy. And I love it. Not so much the messy part. I’m a recovering Type A, people-pleasing germaphobe. Lol. But the grace and magnificence that God grants along the way: that I love. My children I love. Watching them grow I love. Developing a deeper relationship with Christ I love.
Why Play Sleep Grow
The Sleep-Side of PSG:
When we were getting ready to welcome our oldest into our home, when she was still cooking away in my belly, I researched. I like to be prepared. I like to have a plan.
And I kept running across different versions of the same ideology: “Sleep now, because once your baby’s born, you will never sleep again.”
And my reaction was, “Hahaha NO.”
First of all, I hate being told what I am not capable of. So maybe that played into it.
And even more than that, I knew that this couldn’t be true. Sleep is healthy. Sleep is vital. And I knew, too, that I was a much better, nicer, healthier, and more capable person when I myself got decent sleep. So wouldn’t the same be true of my child?
So I researched. Being a Speech-Language Pathologist by trade, I’m very dedicated to EBP - Evidence Based Practice. I like research - good, quality research. I like when things logically make sense. I like a backing of experience. I like when we take families’ unique perspectives and values and needs in hand, and work with them.
So when I found the Sleep Sense Program by Dana Obleman, I was intrigued.
And when we used it with our first when she was 3-months-old: I was hooked.
My parents didn’t agree - at first. And it took a while for my husband and me to get on the same page.
But now, 3 kids later into this Program, we are all firm believers.
And it was so incredibly transformative for our lives - for my health, for our marriage, etc., that one day, I realized that I didn’t want to keep this gift to ourselves anymore. I wanted to share it. To support my sisters in Christ.
I attended Dana Obleman’s Sleep Consultant Certification Program, and joined a community of over 200 highly experienced, intelligent, loving women who value healthy sleep habits in the same way I do, who have served over 100,000 families between them all. I knew that I wanted to offer solid, reliable advice. Advice that was backed by research and experience. And now - I can.
The Communication-Side of PSG:
As a licensed, certified Speech-Language Pathologist (aka Speech Therapist,) I recognized that a number of my friends - highly intelligent women - seemed to struggle when it came to how to engage their small children in constructive play.
Now don’t get me wrong - I felt - and still feel - like they were/are doing an amazing job!!
But they didn’t feel confident in what they were doing. How they played with their children. How they tried to help their children communicate. What to look for in their child’s development to know if they were “on track” or if they should seek an SLP’s intervention.
I have that knowledge - and the resources for the knowledge that I lack. So I wanted to find a way to share it with them - and any other moms like them. Moms who are incredibly capable, and clever, and competent. Moms who know they can do it, if someone would just show them how.
I’m here for you, sister:
I LOVE sisters. Having 3 of my own and going to an all-girls high school, you could say that I was hard-wired to be super pro-woman.
I love supporting women. I love encouraging them. I love watching them grow in confidence and trust and possibility.
So that’s why I’m here. I’m here, sweet lady, for you. And I’m so glad you’re here.
We can help.
Work with a trained professional.
I’m a mom of 3, Certified Sleep Consultant, and licensed Speech-Language Pathologist. I’m here to offer my expertise to you, to help you grow in confidence.
Be supported. You deserve it.
When you sign up for one of our Programs, I have the opportunity to truly support you, to be there for you every step of the way. You want a village? You’ve found it.
Join our community.
Sometimes motherhood can feel extremely isolating. It feels like you’re the only one going through these struggles. And it can be transformative and incredibly relieving to realize that you are not alone. Join our communities via email, on FB, and on IG to connect with other moms just like you.