Coming Soon: Baby Sign Classes
What is Baby Sign Language?
Baby Sign Language is a very simplified form of Sign Language - i.e., using hand gestures paired with facial expression and body language to communicate. It’s not true Sign Language, which is a language in its own right.
What it is is a tool to help baby communicate their wants and needs with you before they have the verbal skills to tell you aloud.
What’s included:
Instruction & Practice
Join us weekly for a 4-week series, introducing 1 new functional baby sign each week.
Includes instruction, time to practice with your baby, and examples of times to practice throughout your day.
Group Instruction
Join our village - meet other moms and babies who are in the same boat as you and your baby. Learn together. Grow together.
Build Foundational Skills
Help your baby begin to learn not only that they can communicate, but how. Help your clever little explorer jump-start their growth in communication skills and community.
Recommended Baby Sign Classes
Explore all memberships & class packs
Class A: Beginner 1
Four 30-minute group classes meeting via Zoom. Learn 1 new functional baby sign to use with your kiddo each week.
Class B: Beginner 2
Four 30-minute group classes meeting via Zoom. Learn 1 new functional baby sign to use with your kiddo each week.
Class C: Intermediate 1
Four 30-minute group classes meeting via Zoom. Learn 1 new functional baby sign to use with your kiddo each week.
Class D: Intermediate 2
Four 30-minute group classes meeting via Zoom. Learn 1 new functional baby sign to use with your kiddo each week.